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Keeping Up With Industry Trends

Updated: Feb 7, 2024

No matter what industry you are in or are currently trying to be in, it is always changing. New trends may come and go daily.

An industry trend is a direction or a general course following a tendency or a style. These trends have a huge impact on people, culture, markets and company profits. Because we are in a different way of living and working now, a lot of different trends have come about in 2020 and 2021.

In the business and tech industries, trends typically do change a lot as technology keeps advancing.

Here are the six biggest technology and business trends that have come about in 2021:

1. Remote working and videoconferencing

-Since 2020, there has been a huge increase in making sure that people can work from home. This is important for all companies and schools so that they may continue to work while still remaining safe.

2. Contactless delivery and other services

-Because of COVID-19, changes have had to be made with the way things are delivered. There is now a 20% increase for contactless operations.

3. Telehealth and telemedicine

-Doctors and nurses don’t want to risk their patients by having them come in for minor checkups, so online consultations known as telehealth visits, are how patients can still be seen by their health care provider.

4. Online learning

-Students and teachers have had to adapt to school through the computer screen. Kids have had to learn to be a bit more independent and get the work done without someone always being right there.

5. 5G network

-All the new technology advances and video conferencing require high speed internet. A 5G network ensures that all devices will run faster and smoother.

6. Micro mobility growth

-Micro mobility refers to electric bikes and electric scooters that are typically seen in bigger cities. There has been a rise in demand for these alternative modes of transportation to allow for better social distancing while traveling short distances.

Some easy ways to stay on top of industry trends include:

· Stay up to date on social media

-Social media influencers have become popular this past year. An influencer's job is to share with their followers what is happening in the world and show everyone ways to do things. If you work in a certain field, find influencers who know about it and tune into their post.

· Learn from videos, podcasts and talk shows

-All three of these outlets can be really good news sources. By listening in to any of the three, you will be more in the know about what is changing and how to stay up to date with those changes.

· Subscribe to business blogs

- Many companies have blogs now to share things with their clients. If you subscribe to a lot of blogs, you can learn how to do certain things and see what trends are rising.

· Ask questions within your workplace

-You might not catch every new trend that pops up so don’t be afraid to reach out to people that you network with or those in your industry. By asking the right people the right questions you can learn a lot.

· Keep tabs on your competitors

-See what the companies and organizations you are up against are doing. Maybe they will know about certain new trends and changes before you do!

The most important thing to remember while all these trends in the industries change is to remain positive. You will figure it out and you will continue to grow with these trends. Be flexible, self-directive and able to adapt. You never know when things could change again so always remain aware and be ready!


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