Sedna Consulting Group provides a particularly unique workplace culture for its employees. As a small, midsize company, Sedna ensures to provide the best possible service to its clients and promotes an enjoyable work environment for its employees. It is important to first understand the company culture, as this particular feature will play a key role in the company’s success and functions. As a consulting group that specializes in the tech industry, Sedna Consulting Group creates a unique, positive culture in its workplace that is like no other.
o Communication, Trust, Responsibility
One particularly core value of Sedna Consulting Group’s workplace is open communication and transparency. As a global, remote-first company, it is important to maintain and encourage open lines of communication. This will ensure efficiency and collaboration across the teams and create an effective execution of projects. Furthermore, Sedna Consulting Group strongly believes in mutual trust and individual responsibility. Team members are entrusted with managing their individual and collaborative workload and schedules. Employees are all encouraged to take responsibility for their duties and assigned projects. It is widely believed that people who are given autonomy present their best work and professional attitude.
Like other workplaces, communication and trust are fundamental elements of an effective team. However, Sedna Consulting Group is particularly distinctive, as it is a remote-first company. It not only takes into account its clients, but also its employees. In order to have a smoothly running company that has a broad list of clients, Sedna Consulting Group ensures to maintain its core values of communication, trust, and responsibility.
o Unique Skill Sets
Those working in Sedna Consulting Group are dedicated to creating a more equitable work environment that not only encourages, but also embraces diversity, inclusion, and variety of practices. This is especially shown in the hiring process that values "non-traditional" applicants by acknowledging the unique, individual skill sets they bring to their job. Not only does Sedna Consulting Group embrace that diversified mentality internally within its employees, but also educate its clients on being open-minded and receptive to these candidates. Each employee is ensured to fully understand and accept the value they could provide to their clients and designated duties.
o Size of the Company
The size of the company will undoubtedly affect the culture of that organization. While large organizations provide a lot of structure and give a clear path to upward mobility, it can often be limiting, since there are many administrative channels to navigate throughout your career. This restriction may also make it harder for employees to feel a sense of freedom and opportunity. On the other hand, a small or midsize company provides more opportunities and flexibility to explore various areas of business that an individual might be interested in learning about or transitioning to. This especially applies to Sedna, since it is also a relatively smaller-sized company that takes into consideration each employee’s career and individuality.
When applying for jobs, it is first important to understand and see what the company culture is like. Beyond the job role and the salary, all prospective employees should first examine what the workplace culture is like. Since employees spend a vast amount of time working in the office, perhaps even more time spent than with friends and family, it is important to know what a company’s culture is like before applying for a job. There is no one identical workplace culture, so it is first necessary to understand that the industry type, company type, and company culture type are all key factors to grasp before submitting your job application. Sedna Consulting Group is especially a notable example of a unique, positive workplace. Its core values of responsibility, communication, and trust; unique skill sets of each individual employee; and relatively small size of the company allows it to provide its employees with the proper opportunities and freedom that are necessary for career development.